350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Improvement of the algorithm for calculating the capacitance matrices of structure of conductors and dielectrics by method of moments in the range of dielectric permeability values
S.P. Kuksenko, T.R. Gazizov
In the introduction, a short description of the problem to be solved is presented. A multiple calculation of the capacitance matrix of the microstrip transmission line (MTL) is considered which requires to solve a linear system in each calculation. It is noted that it leads to a system with dense matrix, that is why, as a conclusion, it is preferable to use LU-decomposition. At the end, the aim of the paper has been specified: Improvement of the algorithm for capacitance matrix calculation of the same analyzed MTL structure when multiple changing its dielectric parameters. At the beginning of the main part of the paper, a short description of the used terms and the formulae for calculating the capacitance matrix are presented; the algorithm itself being the object of the suggested improvements is presented as well. Then, a step-by-step description of the suggested modifications and intermediate conclusions explaining the idea of the improvements are given. Finally, 2 algorithms which use a block version of the LU-decomposition and the suggested improvements are presented. In the conclusion of this paper, it is noted that a program implementation of the suggested improvements of the initial algorithm has been performed in the TALGAT system using Eigen mathematics library; the simulation results obtained on two workstations are given for the connector structure containing 41 conductors (excluding the reference conductor). The presented results of the numerical experiments show gain in runtime of up to 2,7 times when calculating 10 capacitance matrices. In the conclusion, the necessity to implement the described algorithms using another high-performance library and to evaluate the obtained gain is noted.
Pages: 13-21
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    Заявка №2011617178. Дата поступления 26 сентября 2011 г. Зарегистрировано в Реестре программ для ЭВМ 13 января 2012 г.
  3. http://eigen.tuxfamily.org