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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Methods to improve the accuracy of determining the orientation of the spacecraft using optical star sensors with an electron-optical converters
M.A. Karpov, E.V. Egorova, V.I. Nefedov
In carrying out this work is designed layout opto-electronic channel for the optical star sensor with a frequency of 30 frames/sec, 10-3 sec exposure and gain 103 on the basis of the gated image intensifier, a fiber-optic articulated focones with CCD, and conducted laboratory tests. The analysis of the results of ground tests confirm the efficiency of the layout method of increasing the accuracy of the orientation of the spacecraft using optical star sensors with an electron-optical converters. Proposed method for increasing the accuracy of determining the maximum energy center of the star with subpixel accuracy by a single photon and photon group. The method consists in post-processing of the image using the bilateral filter. This filter eliminates noise and sudden changes in the intensities of neighboring pixels. The use of such filters in image processing, image intensifier Small signal, is very promising because it allows essentially smooth the image and remove the effects of background photons, without affecting the larger objects such as «star».
Pages: 27-31
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