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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Design of tapered slot antennas for millimeter-wave active phased antenna arrays
M. B. Manuilov, P. Yu. Derkachev, G. N. Egorov, A. A. Ilatovsky, V. M. Musinov, D. S. Fedorov
A tapered slot antenna (Vivaldi antenna) on the base of LTCC technology has been designed for millimeter-wave active phased antenna arrays. The proposed Vivaldi antenna consists of multilayer LTCC printed board with double-sided metallization and identical configuration of tapered slots on the both sides of printed board. The feeding strip-lines excite each element of array. Electromagnetic CAD of single tapered slot antenna and array antenna is carried out by Finite Integration Technique. A high potential of this class of antennas for wide-angle scanning phased antenna arrays is shown. To validate the proposed design concept of radiating element for large-scale millimeter-wave active phased antenna array the liner 8-element E-plane array of Vivaldi antennas has been designed and fabricated. Measured VSWR of an active central element of the linear array is about 1.5 over the operating frequency band, the half-power beam width of central element radiation pattern is 100 in E-plane and 85 in H-plane. The obtained experimental characteristics of this kind of radiating elements may be essentially improved. The further work will be concentrated on the problem of mutual coupling reduction to improve the impedance matching of array by wide-angle scanning.
Pages: 62-65
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