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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Effect of distinction of trajectory signal and base signal for radar target image
Y.A. Skobelev
Parameters of trajectory signal and base signal of concerted processing system can be differed because of trajectory instability or in the time of target simulation. The simulation of an immovable point target radar image by repetition of transformed SAR signals is considered. A difference of phases of signals returned from the simulated target and simulator is added to phase of received signal. A concerted signal is the multiplication of repeated and base signals. A concerted signal phase contains distortions caused by distinction of values of wave-length, distance, velocity and angle direction in trajectory and base signals. The phase of concerted signal is explored.
From an equality of sum of phase quadratic components to zero the coefficient of focus distance shift is calculated. It is demonstrated that a distribution of image intensity is a narrow-band SAR indeterminacy function depended on radial distance. An image intensity parameter depended on distance is introduced and an evaluation method of relative intensity of major and side lobes of processing system output signal is suggested. For a sum of phase line components of concerted signal a simulated image azimuth shift is calculated.
The examples of effect of utilized data difference for simulated image azimuth disposition are presented. It is stated that an article results can be used for evaluation of effect of constant distinction of parameters of trajectory signal and base signal in the time of simulation of the target moving as simulator.
By analogy the effect of constant distinction of parameters of trajectory signal and base signal because of trajectory instability for the target radar image is calculated.
Pages: 24-32
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