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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №3 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The Imaging of Geostationary Spacecrafts Using Large Aperture Tele-scopes for Space Situational Awareness
Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
geostationary spacecrafts
bispectral processing
V.P. Aleshin, Yu.Yu. Balega, E.A. Grishin, V.D. Shargorodskii, A.F. Maksimov, V.V. D-yachenko, S.L. Komarinskii, T.V. Malogolovets, D.D. Novgorodtsev
The experiments conducted in the Greater azimuth telescope (SAO RAS) within the bounds of observation of geostationary satellites have shown the potential methods of speckle-interferometry for optical imaging GEOS to Space Situational Awareness, SSA). The resulting sequence of short-exposure speckle images and their subsequent treatment using the Labeyrie method and bispectrum allowed to determine the orientation of solar panels on devices Express AM (AM 2, AM 22). Reconstructed images GEO USA 202 (Orion) was given an opportunity to estimation the shape of the spacecraft and its size. Experiments confirmed the possibility of reaching the diffraction limit (20 milliseconds of arc) by speckle-interferometry for the observation of geostationary satellites.
Pages: 9-17
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