350 rub

Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Features of Temporal Variations of HF Radiation on the Mid latitude Path
P. F. Denisenko, G. I. Kuleshov, V. M. Novikov, N. A. Koledin
Statistical properties of quasi-periodic variations of the interference field of the multipath signal at the mid-latitude path "Moscow-Rostov" in the daytime at the operating frequency of 9,996 MHz are defined. Measurements in 2007-2008 from October to April, when the sporadic Es layer was absent in the ionosphere, are used for data analysis. In all cases, the deviations of the daily trend of the field are presented as the sum of 5 harmonics, which ensured them a reasonable approximation. Amplitude and period variations have a wide range of values. The amplitudes vary from hundredths of a dB to 4 dB. Periods are in the range from 0.25 hours to 4 hours. The most probable values of the amplitudes are limited to the value of 1.5 dB, for the period - 2.5 hours.
Pages: 34-36
- Денисенко П. Ф., Сказик А. И., Котов М. Ю., Хомяков А. А. Выделение слабых пространственных структур ионосферы по данным внешнего зондирования // Электромагнитные волны и электронные системы. 2010. Т. 15. № 5. С. 30-33.