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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Modeling of the Service Zone of the Mf radio Beacon for the Transmission of Differential Corrections of the Global Navigation Satellite System
Yu. B. Bashkuev, M. G. Dembelov, I. B. Naguslaeva, D. G. Buyanova
The role sea, river and an air transportation is especially significant for areas of Siberia and the Far North where the railway transportation is insufficiently developed. Use of global navigating satellite systems (ГНСС) type ГЛОНАСС, GPS and GALILEO with application of a differential operating mode allows to create a highly reliable control system of movement of courts (УДС), meeting requirements of consumers of transport. In connection with problems of Northern sea way and shelf workings out the great value for Russia has a mode of sea ice of Arctic regions. In article the superficial impedance of sloisto-non-uniform structures is defined and the way of definition of a superficial impedance of structure «ice-salty water» is offered. Frequency dependences of an impedance of structure «ice-salty water» show that distribution of radio-waves over ice fields has features, characteristic for strong-silnoinduktivnyh radio lines, and over icebergs - for inductive and capacitor lines. Therefore ice fields of Arctic regions and Antarctic are interesting to the theory and practice of distribution of terrestrial radio-waves. Authors of article develop and check experimentally up methods of calculation of a field of a terrestrial wave over non-uniform impedance lines. On their basis the hardware-software complex using digital model of a three-dimensional relief and a card of parameters of geoelectric cuts (ГЭР) is created. The complex allows to count operatively a field of a terrestrial wave in a range 10-1000 кГц taking into account electric and geometrical неоднородностей lines. On the basis of the executed calculations of characteristics of a field of a terrestrial wave in СВ a range of radio-waves over kusochno-non-uniform lines the design procedure of a zone of service of a radio beacon (РМ) for transfer of differential amendments ГНСС in средневолновом (283-325 кГц) a range is offered and proved. In article numerical modeling of an electromagnetic field in the Arctic pool for radio lines in length to 2000 km with various alternation of environments «ice-salty water» is spent, shown that presence thin плохопроводящего an ice layer on salty water leads to occurrence of a superficial wave over ice fields. At the expense of occurrence of a superficial wave range of action of the Arctic radio lines of information transfer essentially increases. Thus field level directly depends on a thickness of ice. This effect can be used for monitoring of climatic processes and a condition of an ice cover of the central Arctic regions.
Pages: 20-26
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