350 rub

Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Variations of Thermodynamic Parameters in Air Volume in the Vicinity to Current Conductor
N.N. Usmanov, V.E. Kunitsyn
The study demonstrates results of investigations of variations of thermodynamic parameters of air environment in the space surrounding a conductor with an electric current. Changes of thermodynamic parameters in the vicinity to conductor at impulse current flow with various amplitude and duration are investigated. Changes of pressure at the vicinity to conductor at current flow of industrial frequency are studied. Results demonstrate drastic changes of pressure in examined volume at current flow in metallic conductors. The characteristic time dependences of pressure and temperature at impulse electric current flow with various amplitude are shown. The dependences of overpressure arisen at the vicinity to conductor as a function of amplitude of impulse electric current in conductor are shown. The pressure jumps at current flow of industrial frequency are observed in the vicinity to electric current conductors made of various materials.
Pages: 60-61
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