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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Simulation of Rays and Caustic Structures of EM fields on the Basis of Radio-Tomography Data of the Ionosphere in the Vicinity of Equatorial Anomaly
A.S. Kryukovsky, D.S. Lukin, D.V. Rastyagaev
Necessity of the decision of problems of a distant radio communication, radionavigation, radar-location, and other problems of structural diagnostics of a propagation medium: troposphere, ionosphere or magnetosphere make an urgent problem of study of processes of electromagnetic wave propagation in the top and bottom atmosphere. The study of wave propagation in real Earth troposphere and ionosphere is connected to known difficulties of the solution of the second order differential equations with variable factors. The application of the approached (asymptotic) methods of the wave theory, on the one hand, and numerical methods with another, allows considerably advancing in this area.
The accuracy of numerical modeling of ionospheric wave propagation in directly is connected to models of natural medium that gets out in accounts. The given work is devoted to research of propagation singularities of radiowaves in the Earth ionosphere, which structures are restored by scientific group under the direction of the professor Kunitzin V.Eu. on the basis of real supervision by a radio-tomography method.
In the work singularities of short-wave propagation of radio radiation for ionospheric model reconstructed by radio-tomography methods in case of equatorial anomaly presence are considered. The models, both with the account and without the account of influence of a magnetic field of the Earth are considered by the bi-characteristic methods. The modeling and the analysis of ray propagation on a line containing equatorial anomaly and directed along latitude at various radiation source locations, and also on a cross trace directed along a longitude, but also taking place near to equatorial anomaly is executed. In the work the formation of layer wave channel is considered, and |wave propagation on frequencies as is higher, and below critical (plasma) frequency are carried out. The analysis of ray family singularities at propagation in modeling plasma is executed. The typical singularities of ray families during propagation under various conditions are shown. The borders of a dead zone are investigated.
Pages: 5-11
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