350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №7 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Theoretical and Experimental Researches of Polarizing Characteristics of Dihedral and Trihedral Angles
A.B. Borzov, K.P. Lihoedenko, I.V. Muratov, G.L. Pavlov, V.B. Suchkov
Problems of mathematical modelling and experimental research of polarizing characteristics of the signals reflected from the complex shape targets are considered. The mathematical model of a polarizing matrix of scattering of dihedral and trihedral angles is developed on the basis of polygonal model with use of a method of shooting and bouncing rays. The analysis of experimental researches of the reflected signals from system of angular reflectors in a millimetric wave band is carried out. In article the technique of modelling of a polarizing matrix of scattering of the complex shape targets with concave dihedral and trihedral structures in a millimeter range of waves is considered. The problem actuality is caused by increase of selective possibilities of information channels of radar complexes on the basis of use of prominent features of polarizing structure of the signals reflected from objects and clutters of various types. As new informative signs of targets the polarizing structure of the signal reflected from the target is chosen. The polarizing struc-ture of target is completely represented in a polarizing matrix of scattering. The mathematical model of a polarizing matrix of scattering of the complex shape radar target in a near zone of a location on the basis of its polygonal model has been developed. The experimental researches and the analysis of their results on the basis of various algorithms of processing for definition of informative signs of radar targets are carried out. The algorithms of calculation of double and triple rereflections of waves between elements of concave structures are developed on the basis of use of a method of shooting and bouncing rays (SBR). For carrying out of experimental researches and for research of selective properties of moving targets on the basis of the analysis of their polarizing matrix of scattering the radar modeling complex is developed. The researches allow to use their results at construction of algorithms of automatic classification of the targets and for designing of radar systems of selection of a millimetric wave band. Besides, the obtained data allows to carry out the analysis and imitating modeling of influence of noise parameters of paths of processing for the result characteristics of systems of selection.
Pages: 27-40
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