350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Effect of Malyuzhinets on Multilayer Difraction Lattices
B.V. Basanov and, A.Yu. Vetluzhsky
Work is dedicated to the study of the passage of the electromagnetic waves, created by local sources, through the multilayer diffraction structures of final extent, which consist of the metallic cylinders of circular cross section. Within the framework the experimental part of the studies is established the possibility of observing the complete (without the reflection) passage of the H-polarized waves through such lattices with specific ratios between the wavelength, the transverse sizes of cylinders and the period of structure. It is noted, what previously this effect, which bears the name effect of Malyuzhinets, was observed and was investigated only in one-dimensionally - the periodic infinitely extensive diffraction gratings. Are represented the results of the numerical simulation, carried out on the basis of the theory of multiple scattering, which are been in a good agreement with the experimental data.
Pages: 48-51
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