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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Remote Monitoring System of Quantitative and Qualitative Processes
D.V. Miskov
Industry, such as radio-electronic or the chemical are characterized by complex conditions and the inability to analyze the working area directly in manufacturing or in finding personnel working in the area, and along with it - the materials and tools used in production. This is proposed on the basis of chemical analytical equipment, including voltammetric analyzers, to build a monitoring system that will: - make qualitative and quantitative analysis of the work area, materials and substances used in production processes; - monitor the environmental situation as a small area and the wider region; - analyze the information received and generate reports for analysis; - record the parameters of analysis with multiple objects and send them into a single data center. Using voltammetric general-purpose hardware fully cover benefits voltammetric method: - Analyze the air, soil; - Conduct qualitative and quantitative monitoring of different waters, including sewage; - Analyze the composition of materials and finished products. We propose ways of organizing and building a system for monitoring of environmental and industrial sectors in the aspect of qualitative and quantitative control.
Pages: 44-47
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