350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The investigations of parameters of directional couplers on ridge waveguides coupled with the system of circular apertures
G.F. Zargano, V.V. Zemlyakov, R.V. Peletskiy
Calculation and analysis of coupling parameters of ridge waveguides through small circular apertures are presented. Different mutual orientations of waveguides - a common narrow wall coupling and for the case where the broad wall of a ridge waveguide is coupled to the narrow wall of another (T-shaped scheme) are considered. Electromagnetic fields and the cutoff wave numbers of waveguides are determined by the method of partial regions including field singularities at the edge. Quasi-static theory of Bethe was used to calculate the couple parameters of a single aperture. The theory of cascading multipoles was used to calculate the parameters of the aperture system. The results of the S parameters calculation and directivity for the single aperture and aperture systems at different orientation of the waveguides are presented. The results are compared with results of grid methods simulation, confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technique.
Pages: 68-76
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