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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Short radio wave propagation conditions in the subauroral zone
O.A. Maltseva, N.S. Moshaeva, T.N. Nikitenko
One of the way to set radio wave propagation conditions in the ionosphere is the using of the International Reference Ionosphere IRI. Comparison between experimental and model parameters of the ionosphere is needed to estimate accuracy of long term and operative prediction. In most cases results of such comparison are presented only for mid latitudinal zones. Using experimental data of mid latitudinal and subauroral ionospheric stations and global maps of the ionospheric total electron content shows that the IRI model allows to: 1) define the median conditions of short radio waves propagation in the ionosphere, 2) restore the shape of the ionization trough, 3) fill gaps in the ionospheric data in the subauroral zone with an accuracy comparable with the accuracy of the mid latitudinal zone.
Pages: 34-37
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