350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №12 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Resolving Ability of Space Objects Observation Ground Optical Systems with Laser Illumination
G.N. Maltsev, V.S. Burlutsky
Under the observation of space objects by ground optical systems with laser illumination the speckle-images with spot structure are formed. The methodic of the space objects observation ground optical systems with laser illumination resolving ability analytic estimation on the basis of the generalized frequency-contrast equation solution is presented. The resolving ability is estimated from the threshold contrast value with assume the speckle-noise threshold characteristic and equivalent frequency-contrast characteristic of optical system with laser illumination. Shows that the limiting resolving ability when the non-coherent images with natural illumination are forming at two times higher that when the speckle-images with laser illumination are forming, but at strong atmosphere phase distortions and image smoothing by matrix photodetector the resolving ability of optical systems with laser and natural illumination practically conform.
Pages: 60-63
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