350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Field Statistics of a Circular Aperture Antenna Focused to the Fresnel Zone. Part 2. Fluctuation field characteristics
Y. S. Shifrin, V. V. Dolzhikov
The work is continuation of the same authors - paper (a first review part) in which mean field characteristics of a circular aperture antenna focused to the Fresnel zone under phase fluctuations in its aperture were considered. In this work (a second review part), results of studying the fluctuation field characteristics of an uniformly excited circular aperture antenna focused to the Fresnel zone under phase fluctuations in its aperture are given. The phase fluctuations are assumed to be described by the function being uniform over aperture and randomly distributed by the normal law, with the zero mean. The correlation coefficient is assumed to be in Gaussian form. Obtained and analyzed are expressions for the field amplitude and phase fluctuations of the antenna, as well as for the focal spot (more precisely, coordinates of a maximum field intensity point) fluctuations. The results obtained for the circular aperture antenna are compared with the analogous results for a linear antenna and a square aperture antenna. Appendix contains most complicated and bulky derivations of basic relationships. The results obtained have a wide area of applicability. This is stipulated by that basic relationships for the fluctuation field characteristics are invariant with respect to a value of focal distance. Therefore, they are equally applicable both for antennas focused to the Fresnel zone and for ordinary antennas focused to infinity. They describe, in particular, the field fluctuations of such antennas in their far zones, as well as the field fluctuations in a focal plane of paraxial focusing systems under incidence of waves with the phase fluctuations on them.
Pages: 6-23
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