350 rub

Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Modelling of electromagnetic wave propagation in stratified random discrete media, contained of semitransparent objects
electromagnetic wave
random discrete media
semitransparent sphere
reflecting and semitransparent disks
V.G. Spitsyn
There is executed the numerical modelling of process of electromagnetic wave propagation in stratified random discrete media, contained of semitransparent sphere, reflecting and semitransparent disks. In the result of computer imitation of probabilistic model of multiply electromagnetic wave scattering on the discrete inhomogeneities is defined of spatial distribution of energy scattered and absorbed signal inside of media. The results of computation shows that the maximums of concentration of energy scattering signal are disposed near of the location of minimums of length free propagation of photons. The energy of scattering signal is appeared in the area of shadow of reflecting discs that interpreted by the effect of multiply scattering of photons on the discrete inhomogeneities. With the increasing of the coefficient of discs transparency is occurred the diffusion of disc limbs on the images of energy scattering signal distribution.
Pages: 32-35
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