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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
On the description of internal impedance per unit length for multi-walled carbon nanotubes
L.A. Apresyan, D.V. Vlasov
The carbon nanotubes (CNT) represent an important example of lengthy scatterers for which the transverse size D is small, and the typical length L is large in comparison with light wavelength λ, i.e. L >> λ >>D. As a result, the scattering cross section for CNT is larger than that for molecular scattering due to large multiplier L. Besides, in the case of light scattering experiments some new geometrical or antennas effects arise, which are absent for small scatterers with characteristic dimensions a <<λ . In particular, the specific antenna resonances, which reveal themselves when the frequency of incoming wave coincides with some specific frequency of scatterer, require more strict approach, then usual Born approximation. Such resonances can be described by well known from the theory of thin antennas Leontovich-Levin equation, modified for the case of thin non-ideal conductors with axial symmetry. The main electrodynamic characteristic of such conductors is a so-called internal impedance per unit length Zi. In this work the recurrence procedure for calculation of impedance Zi for achiral multi-walled CNT is developed.
Pages: 27-31
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