350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Reconstruction of the Local Scattering Sources and Phase Backscattering Pattern of a Cylindrical Object from the Amplitude Backscattering Pattern
phase backscattering pattern
amplitude backscattering pattern
local scattering sources
radar image
iterative method
S.N. Kutishchev
At carrying out of measurements of radar characteristics of objects at range and laboratory conditions power of the reflected signal is often registered only and at rotation of the object the amplitude backscattering pattern (BSP) is written. Thus, the problem of reconstruction of the local sources (LS) of scattering and the phase BSP of the object from the amplitude BSP is appearing. The iterative method of numerical solution of the problem was offered by the author for the model of the object in the form of system of isotropic rigidly connected electrodynamic independent scatterers. It is interesting to apply the iterative method for solution of the considered problem at the case of the continuous object of the complex shape with the known LS of scattering. It is suggested, for example, to consider the infinite perfect conducting cylinder with the triangular cross section. This object has three LS of scattering corresponding to the cylinder edges.
The analysis of the numerical results for the E-polarization case of the incident plane electromagnetic wave allows to make the conclusion, that in the considered example the absolute error of reconstruction of the transverse coordinates of the LS is y 0,13 ( ? wavelength of the incident plane electromagnetic wave) and the absolute error of reconstruction of the longitudinal coordinates of the LS is x 1,7. The relative error of reconstruction of the amplitudes of the LS has made up approximately 63%.
Thus, the iterative method allows to reconstruct from the amplitude BSP the parameters (quantity, amplitudes, transverse and longitudinal coordinates) of the LS of scattering and the phase BSP of objects just as in the form of system of isotropic rigidly connected electrodynamic independent reflectors, so cylindrical objects. As this takes places, it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions. Intensities of all LS should be one order, LS should be located at distances greater then resolution ( ? angular width of the amplitude BSP) in the transverse direction, and the distance between LS in longitudinal direction should exceeds approximately 20-30. It should be pointed out that the iterative method allows only to estimate amplitudes of LS of scattering for cylindrical objects.
In the further it is planned to apply the developed iterative method for reconstruction of parameters of LS of two-dimensional cavities of a complex shape.
Pages: 42-48
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