350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Investigation of Coupling Parameters of Ridged Waveguides Through Small Variform Apertures
G.F. Zargano, V.V. Zemlyakov, R.V. Peletskiy, G.P. Siniavskiy
The calculation and analysis of coupling parameters of ridged waveguides through small variform apertures (circular, rectangular, crossline) in common wall is carried out. Electromagnetic fields and cutoff wave numbers are calculated by method of partial regions including field singularities at the edge. For calculation of couple parameters the Bethe-s quasi-static theory is used. The calculation results of cross attenuation and direction for different single apertures in common wide and narrow waveguide walls are given.
Pages: 29
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