350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Frequency Selective Surfaces with Multilayer Magneto-Dielectric Covers
A. O. Kasyanov, V. A. Obukhovets
Mathematical model of multilayered printed frequency selective surfaces with dielectric covers is presented in this paper. The model is built on the suggestion of array infinity and perfect conductivity of microstrip elements. Such printed structures can be used as frequency selective surface and as covers with controllable characteristics (for example tunable filters, adaptive radar cover, electronically switched polarizers). Full-wave analysis is executed by the integral equation method. The numerical solution of an integral equation has been obtained by Galerkin-s method. Unknown distribution of surface magnetic currents has been approximated by roof-top basic functions. The generalized scattering matrix method was used for simulation of multilayered printed frequency selective surface. The paper presents the compound algorithm which combines the integral equation method with the method of generalized scattering matrix. A lot of numerical examples are presented proving the algorithm effectiveness. By means of this model there were synthesized multilayer frequency selective surface as periodic arrays of the printed elements, which have arbitrary shape of reradiators. It is known, that the printed elements of special shape ensure, as rejecting and as transacting of electromagnetic waves in the given frequencies, and have neglected angular sensitivity. The results of constructive synthesis of printed frequency selective surfaces as rejecting or transmitting filters, which have neglected angular sensitivity, are represented in paper. Such an algorithm is rather flexible and multiple repeats the basic problem solution. It makes the procedure of computer code preparing much more effective and do not require to change the problem decision itself.
Pages: 29-38
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