350 rub
Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Electrodynamical Analysis of Monochromatic and Impulse Fields Inside a Single-Layer Cylindrical Structure
E.A. Shorokhova
The problem about harmonic and impulse radiation of electromagnetic waves by sources located nearby different inhomogeneities, and also related to it the problems of diffraction and transmission of waves, as usual have remained one of the actual problem of radiophysics. To solve this practical problems the availability of theoretical models of electromagnetic fields calculation based on the rigorous analytical methods of solution of the suitable electrodynamical problems has been import. In the paper the mathematical model allowed to calculate monochromatic and impulse electromagnetic fields induced by source nearby an infinite circular cylinder in a conformal conductive dielectric coating and transmitted inside this cylindrical structure has been suggested. Using the variable separation method, the eigenfunction method and the Fourier transformation the solution of electrodynamic problem has been analytically written, that it is convenient for computational modeling. In the two-dimensional case the numerical calculations of electromagnetic fields inside the cylindrical structure induced an infinite cophased current thread outside the cylinder has been performed. Here the situation has been simulated, when nearby a building and an industrial object the monochromatic and impulse electromagnetic radiation has been occurred. The developed algorithms of fields calculations can be used in different cases, when this model is suitable, because no limitations of geometrical and electrophysical parameters of the solving problem, type and orientation of the source are existed. The results of this paper can be useful for technicians in the area of electromagnetic compatibility, objects shielding, and also in the area of the effect of electromagnetic radiation on electronics and people.
Pages: 7-25
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