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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №8 for 2008 г.
Article in number:
Guygens Principle and it, Asymptotics in Smooth Inhomodemous Media
Yu.N. Cherkashin, V.A Eremenko
The method of the wave field calculation in smoothly inhomogeneous media is suggested. The method essence is consists on the replacement of the Huygens point source by some distributed wave field, but this field is concentrated both in the physical space and in the angle space. Thus this wave field tends to the delta function in the coordinate - angle (impulse) space when the wave number tends the infinity. The integral expression of a wave field is obtained with geometrical optics restriction for distance with high frequency asymptotic. The solution of the initial problem is obtained in form of the superposition of the base functions. This solution is the result of the wave interference of the special type wave from virtual sources. In fact this approach provides the possibility of the creation of the through calculation algorithm.