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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №3 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of visual modeling methods for complex systems
DOI: 10.18127/j19997493-202003-01
UDC: 681.3.06 681.3.06

A.I. Vlasov − Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Deputy of Head of Department,

Department «Designing and Technology of Electronic Devices», 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

E-mail: vlasovai@bmstu.ru

E.A. Marikova − Magister,

Department «Designing and Technology of Electronic Devices «,  Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

E-mail: marikova_e@mail.ru  


Statement of a problem. Modern technical and organizational control structures should be considered from the point of view of the analysis of complex systems. Analysis of the principles of building such systems is possible by formalizing their architecture using visual modeling technologies, such as ARIS and ArchiMate. The selection of specific technology solutions should be guided by wellreasoned criteria to assess the completeness of the supported standards. The paper presents the methodology of multi-criteria ranking of visual tools according to 8 types of characteristics, which allows you to analyze promising ones and choose the best tool depending on specific goals and tasks.

Purpose. Conduct a comparative analysis of ARIS and ArchiMate notations as well as visual tools for the development of production system models and provide sound recommendations on the choice of a particular solution for specific tasks in practice.

Results. This article summarizes and systematizes the technologies of visual modeling of production systems. Based on the results of a comprehensive comparison of technologies of visual modeling of the organization's architecture using ARIS methods and ArchiMate yes recommendations for their application. The main objective of this article is to study and compare existing promising notations and tools in the field of visual modeling that implement ARIS and ArchiMate methods.

Practical importance. The paper provides recommendations on the use of visual modeling technologies, which allows you to create a detailed architecture of active complex systems, which allows you to provide a common understanding of basic organizational and logistical solutions, strategic goals and tactical requirements when managing complex systems. Classification of visual modeling technologies has been carried out. The proposed solutions can be used to formalize production processes in the context of the digital transformation of industry and the social sector. Based on a comparative analysis of tools, a method of criterion ranking has been proposed, which allows for a reasoned choice taking into account the support of ARIS and ArchiMate notations, castomization, the possibility of implementing joint activities, and the generation of reporting documentation.

Pages: 5-22
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Date of receipt: 30.07.2020