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Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №1 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
The verification findings from the students - reliable knowledge evaluating methodology in distributed information educational systems
L.A. Artyushina - Dr. Sc. (Pedagogic), Master of «Information Systems and Technologies», Associate Professor, Department of Informatics and Information Security, Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: larisa-artusina@yandex.ru A.V. Amochkin - Undergraduate of «Information Systems and Technologies», Vladimir State University named after A.&N. Stoletovs. E-mail: amochkin.a@mail.ru
Over the past decades distributed information educational systems (DIES) have played a determining role as a learning technology in education, since they overlap capabilities of conventional learning technologies in many respects. However, there is a number of shortcomings reducing the efficient use of DIESs. One of them is reliability of students - knowledge evaluating in various types of control. In preliminary studies, the authors determined systemically important parameters, influencing reliability of students - knowledge eva-luating in DIESs: testing time, nomenclature, difficulty weight, and the amount of problems offered for students. Based on information educational systems examination, the authors proposed to improve the students - knowledge evaluating metho-dology in DIESs, including beyond difficulty weight: the algorithm of building a valid test, the differentiating capacity test assessment, the algorithm calculating testing time and the amount of tasks, the improved algorithm of students - knowledge evaluating through adaptive assessment methods. In comparison with other students - knowledge evaluating methodologies, the authors identified a more authentic one as an efficiency criterion for the proposed methodology. To detect the authenticity level the corresponding indicator is determined. This is considered to be the result of the comparison between students - knowledge assessment given by the DIES and the reference standard. In addition, the experiment on determining the efficiency of the proposed methodology was carried out at Vladimir State University.
Pages: 66-73


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