350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
New social movements and the specificity of social activity in modern pravosoznanii the russian youth
O. E. Savelyeva - Associate Professor, Vladimir state university of a name of Alexander Grigorevich and Nikolay Grigorevich Stoletov. E-mail: OES57@mail.ru
M. V. Komolova - Senior Lecturer, Legal institute of a name of M.M. Speransky, Vladimir state university of a name of Alexander Grigorevich and Nikolay Grigorevich Stoletov. E-mail: komomarina@mail.ru
An important condition for the activity, focus on the development of personality is her commitment to constructive analysis of requirements to the training culture, namely, a specialist must be formed consistent motivation to develop the skills of professional activity, which provide expert work with the audience (which means that take into account the mental preparedness, knowledge of the patterns and methods of work with the audience, etc.).
Pages: 29-30

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