350 rub
Journal Dynamics of Complex Systems - XXI century №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Research and development of the model of human-subjective outliers estimation during noisy 2d- and 3d visual data perception process
K.V. Abramov, P.V. Skribtsov
This article describes the principle of testing using the developed program. The test is to detect subjective evaluation of confidence in opportunity to separate some object from «noise». Using assembled valuation sample we explore the relation between subjective judgment and formal mathematical model of the phenomenon. There is a description of the expected mathematical model, applied in recognizing the wires of the power line in the results of the laser scanning of the locality. The sphere of application of this research is development of systems that filter the «noise» on the images and search for the required objects in noisy signal.
Pages: 99-102

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