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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Tissue-mimicking materials of arterial vessel test objects for CT-angiographic studies: a review of the literature
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202406-05
UDC: 611.13; 611.08

Y.A. Vasilev1, M.R. Kodenko2, O.V. Omelyanskaya3, A.S. Borde4, D.I. Abyzova5, A.V. Guseva6, A.V. Samorodov7, L.Y. Anopchenko8, R.V. Reshetnikov9

1–4, 6, 8, 9 State Budget-Funded Health Care Institution of the City of Moscow «Research and Practical Clinical Center
for Diagnostics and Telemedicine Technologies of the Moscow Health Care Department» (Moscow, Russia)
2, 5–7 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
1 VasilevYA1@zdrav.mos.ru, 2 m.r.kodenko@yandex.ru, 3 OmelyanskayaOV@zdrav.mos.ru,
4 borde@bmstu.ru, 5 theoriginaldoctor1963@gmail.com, 6 GusevaAV13@zdrav.nos.ru,
7 avs@bmstu.ru, 8 Leonid.anopchenko@gmail.com, 9 reshetnikov@fbb.msu.ru


The use of test-objects makes it possible to significantly expand the range of research tasks in the sphere of CT-angiography methods and tools improvement. Test-objects for simulation of vascular surgeries under X-ray control occupy a special place at traditional separation of surgical and diagnostic tasks. In this case correct visualization of the test-object and biological similarity of physical characteristics of the material from which it is made are equally important. The systematization of publications in this area, despite its relevance, is currently poorly described in the literature. The aim of the work is to systematize the data on different types of tissue-mimicking materials used for manufacturing test-objects of arterial vessels. The selection and analysis of 30 relevant publications from about 600 papers in the subject area was carried out. The data on the purpose, types of simulated vessels and biomechanical similarity of tissue-mimicking materials of test-objects were systematized. Simultaneous reproduction of X-ray and biomechanical characteristics of arterial vessels is possible using agar-glycerol mixtures supplemented with geremimetising polyurethane membrane; combination of FullCure 930 and TangoPlus for weakened arterial wall, PVA-C when the test-object works in the area of low loads, as well as combination of reinforcing threads from TPU 95A plastic in silicone matrix DragonSkin 30. The results are relevant for works in the field of materials science as well as physical modelling of arterial vessels.

Pages: 53-66
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Date of receipt: 01.10.2024
Approved after review: 28.10.2024
Accepted for publication: 20.11.2024