V.V. Kapravchuk1, A.N. Briko2, A.S. Borde3, P.E. Chibizov4, A.R. Ishkildin5, A.A. Karasev6, V.S. Mazeina7, S.I. Shchukin8
1–8 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
1 kapravchuk@bmstu.ru
Problem Statement. Anatomical imaging of soft tissue has been applied for more than three decades using a variety of techniques including magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, and ultrasound methods. In recording signals of neuromuscular activity, such as electromyography, electroimpedance myography, myotonography, the magnitude of signals measured by biosensor systems placed on the skin surface in the projection of muscles and their change with muscle contraction/relaxation depend on changes in the mutual location of the «electrode– muscle», as well as the shape, size of the surrounding tissues. Quantitative assessment of muscle tissue and skin-fat layer deformations on the basis of reconstructed volumetric models is of interest for fundamental research and clinical tasks. In turn, the study of morphological changes in muscles and surrounding tissues during muscle contraction will potentially allow us to introduce new approaches to obtaining information about the performed movement and to determine not only its type, but also to perform numerical evaluation of force-moment characteristics.
The purpose of the study. To develop methodological aspects of the study of morphofunctional features of muscle contraction based on reconstructed volumetric models of forearm tissues.
Results. The obtained data made it possible to establish quantitative characteristics of muscle contraction, in particular, displacement of the center of mass of the muscle abdomen, changes in its shape and thickness of the skin-fat layer in the projection of the finger extensor muscle. The results have shown that ultrasound visualization with subsequent reconstruction of volumetric models of tissues at their deformations allows to obtain numerical values of morphological characteristics of muscles and surrounding tissues.
Practical relevance. The method proposed in this work will allow to obtain reliable and reproducible tissue models, as well as to evaluate biomechanical features of morphofunctional changes, which finds application in such fields as medical diagnostics, rehabilitation, sports medicine, physiology, bionic systems. Due to the use of a robot manipulator, the method proposed in this work is reproducible and operator independent.
Kapravchuk V.V., Briko A.N., Borde A.S., Chibizov P.E., Ishkildin A.R., Karasev A.A., Mazeina V.S., Shchukin S.I. Morphofunctional features of muscle contraction based on reconstructed volumetric models of forearm tissues. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2024. V. 27. № 6. P. 40–52. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202406-04 (In Russian)
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