V.V. Alekseev1, P.G. Korolev2, A.V. Tsareva3, A.D. Kuzmina4, P.G. Zhurbilo5
1–5 Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University 'LETI' (Saint-Petersburg, Russian)
1 vvalekseyev@mail.ru, 2 pgkorolev@gmail.com
There of evaluating the effectiveness of treatment at the rehabilitation stage, including after injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Many companies specializing in the sale of medical equipment, simulators, produce products designed to evaluate walking techniques, but the main issue remains the reliability and reliability of the results obtained. In motion video recording systems, this problem has been partially eliminated, but for wearable portable systems, this problem is relevant, therefore, the development of new personalized systems for assessing the degree of recovery of walking skill with the condition of increasing reliability and reliability to measurement results is an important direction, especially in the field of medical and sports rehabilitation.
The purpose of the work is to confirm the possibility of detecting gait anomalies at the rehabilitation stage by statistical processing of time intervals corresponding to the phases of the step (support, foot lift, transfer), as well as the duration of the double step.
The analysis of modern technical means used to measure the parameters characterizing the walking technique is carried out. There are three main directions: motion video recording systems, systems based on measuring the pressure of the foot on the support surface when walking, as well as systems using inertial sensors. For any direction, the issues of accuracy and reliability of the results obtained remain essential. Systems using micromechanical inertial sensors best meet the requirements for the means used in personalized medicine (the possibility of use by the patient outside the hospital, small size and weight, low cost). The article describes the structure of the measuring system, which includes micromechanical accelerometers that allow measuring linear accelerations up to 6g. Taking into account the limitations imposed by the size of the room, the results obtained using this system are arrays of instantaneous values of linear accelerations along two limbs along three axes. The sampling frequency is 1 kHz, the number of samples on each axis is 10 000, while it is possible to record accelerations when performing seven steps. The results of measurements from accelerometric transducers located in the area of the heels (on the heels of shoes) of a conditionally healthy person (before injury) and during treatment at various time intervals after removing the fixing bandage and metal structures that tighten the tibia and fibula, while moving along a horizontal surface, up stairs and down stairs were obtained. When processing the results, both traditional methods of determining the measure of the mean and the measure of the spread, as well as parametric rank criteria were used.
Processing of the results characterizing the movements of the lower extremities showed that small samples of linear accelerations can be used to analyze the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Portable information and measurement systems using micromechanical sensors are suitable for use as personalized means of assessing the degree of recovery of motor skills. The detection of outliers in small samples allows us to conclude about the instability of the phase structure of gait and the incompleteness of recovery after injury.
Alekseev V.V., Korolev P.G., Tsareva A.V., Kuzmina A.D., Zhurbilo P.G. Analysis of the results of measuring the informative parameters of a digital twin for assessing the results of rehabilitation after injuries of the locomotor apparatus. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2024. V. 27. № 3. P. 62–71. DOI: https:// doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202403-06 (In Russian)
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