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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Application of virtual reality technology in medical decision support systems
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202402-09
UDC: 612.881

A.Yu. Tychkov1, D.S. Chernyshov2, А.D. Ivanov3, N.S. Bofanova4, A.K. Alimuradov5, P.P. Churakov6, Z.M. Yuldashev7, А.V. Ageykin8, О.S. Simakova9

1–6,8,9 Penza State University (Penza, Russia)
7 St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" (Saint Petersburg, Russia)
1 tychkov-a@mail.ru, 2 deniska_1980_13@mail.ru, 3 sailtothe54@gmail.com, 4 bofanova@internet.ru,
5 alansapfir@yandex.ru, 6 churakov.pp@gmail.com, 7 yuld@mail.ru, 8 keokushinkai@yandex.ru, 9 zcsio@mail.ru


Problem statement. Modern information technologies allow the doctor and the patient to quickly interact together at a distance from each other in real time. It is necessary to create and introduce into the clinical practice of a psychiatrist and neurologist a new generation of medical decision support systems (MDSS) for the assessment of anxiety-phobic disorders, ensuring prompt and effective diagnosis and treatment of phobic diseases.

The aim of the work is to develop an original DSS for assessing anxiety-phobic disorders using virtual reality (VR) technology.

Results. An analysis of existing MDSS in the field of diagnosis and treatment of phobic diseases was carried out. A new technical solution has been proposed for the assessment of anxiety-phobic disorders in a virtual reality environment.

Practical significance. The MDSS is presented for the assessment of anxiety-phobic disorders in VR, which allows us to move away from subjective assessment on scales of a person’s psycho-emotional state (answers to questions may not be given objectively), adding an assessment of objective electrophysiological markers recorded in the virtual reality environment.

Pages: 69-74
For citation

Tychkov A.Yu., Chernyshov D.S., Ivanov А.D., Bofanova N.S., Alimuradov A.K., Churakov P.P., Yuldashev Z.M., Ageykin А.V., Simakova О.S. Application of virtual reality technology in medical decision support systems. Biomedical radioelectronics. 2024. T. 27. № 2. P. 69–74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202402-09 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 08.01.2024
Approved after review: 18.01.2024
Accepted for publication: 05.02.2024