S.V. Frolov1, A.A. Korobov2, K.S. Savinova3, A.Yu. Potlov4, T.A. Frolova5
1–5 Tambov State Technical University (Tambov, Russia)
1 sergej.frolov@gmail.com, 2 korobov1991@mail.ru, 3 savinova.k94@mail.ru, 4 zerner@yandex.ru, 5 frolova2000@gmail.com
The problem of developing an effective control system for a neonatal incubator is considered. The author's experimental setup and neonatal phantoms are proposed for studying the features of stabilization of heat and humidity characteristics in an incubator for newborns.
The aim of the work is development of an experimental setup and creation of a full-scale hydrodynamic phantom of a newborn’s body to study the specific features of microclimate control in neonatal incubators.
The method of gradient neural network control of microclimate parameters was configured and evaluated in an environment as close as possible to real clinical usages, where the most suitable microclimate conditions are set individually for each patient by the attending neonatologist. The work was carried out using the above experimental setup to study a variety of options for stabilizing the given conditions of microclimate in neonatal incubators and a hydrodynamic phantom of a newborn.
The practical value of the research result lies in the development of a system structure and a method for more effective controlling the microclimate in neonatal incubator.
Frolov S.V., Korobov A.A., Savinova K.S., Potlov A.Yu., Frolova T.A. Experimental setup for studying the specific features of microclimate control in neonatal incubators using a hydrodynamic phantom of a newborn. Biomedical radioelectronics. 2024. T. 27. № 2.
P. 52–59. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202402-07 (in Russian)
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