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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
A method for classifying the functional state of the respiratory system based on the control of cardiorespiratory synchronism indicators
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202402-01
UDC: 004.93'11

A.V. Kiselev1, S.A. Filist2, Haider A.Н. Alawsi3, V.V. Pesok4, A.Ye. Pshenichniy5, O.V. Shatalova6

1–6 Southwest State University (Kursk, Russia)
1 Kiselevalexey1990@gmail.com, 2 SFilist@gmail.com, 3 book.hp.2015@gmail.com, 4 lera.pesok@mail.ru,
5 lera.pesok@mail.ru, 6 shatolg@mail.ru


The aim of the study is to improve the quality of diagnostics and prediction of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory system, in particular, the respiratory system, by using the artificial intelligence methodology in clinical decision support systems.

Cardiorespiratory synchronism was taken as a key predictor of the functional state of the respiratory system. The index of cardiorespiratory synchronism is proposed to be calculated on the basis of the synchronism of the spectrum variation of the respiratory muscle electromyosignal and the spectrum variation of the cardiosignal in the region of the respiratory rhythm. Since non-stationary signals are being studied, it was proposed to use wavelet analysis to determine their spectral characteristics. It was hypothesized that with a high rate of cardiorespiratory synchronism, the power spectrum of the electrical myosignal of the respiratory muscles and the power spectrum of the cardiosignal in the same frequency range change synchronously. This made it possible to construct a method for determining cardiorespiratory synchronism based on the calculation of the arguments of vectors built on the projections of the wavelet coefficients of the wavelet plane of the electromyosignal and the wavelet plane of the cardiosignal. Therefore, the functional state of the respiratory system can be determined by means of a trainable classifier. As its descriptors, indicators of cardiorespiratory synchronism are used, determined at specific points in time on a specific time aperture and on a specific frequency segment of the wavelet planes. A block diagram of the classifier of the functional state of the respiratory system is proposed. The classifier of the functional state of the respiratory system allows quantitatively interpreting cardiorespiratory synchronism and contains software and hardware for synchronous recording of surface electromyograms and cardiosignals, as well as their wavelet analysis and classification. The software and hardware includes a trainable neural network with a hierarchical structure designed to classify the medical risk of the respiratory system. A method for calculating the integral indicator of cardiorespiratory synchronism and a method for constructing a space of informative features for the classifier of the functional state of the respiratory system are proposed.

Experimental and statistical studies of the quality indicators of the classifier were carried out on the example of the risk of community-acquired pneumonia. The main statistical indicators of the quality of the classifier were comparable with the indicators of the quality of diagnosing X-ray studies on the same control sample, which makes it possible to recommend it for clinical practice.

Pages: 5-12
For citation

Kiselev A.V., Filist S.A., Alawsi Haider A.Н., Pesok V.V., Pshenichniy A.Ye., Shatalova O.V. A method for classifying the functional state of the respiratory system based on the control of cardiorespiratory synchronism indicators. Science Intensive Technologies. 2024. V. 27. № 2. P. 5–12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j19998465-202402-01 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 11.12.2023
Approved after review: 12.01.2024
Accepted for publication: 05.02.2024