N.D. Zhukov1
1 LLC “NPP Volga” (Saratov, Russia)
1 ndzhukov@rambler.ru
In a three-dimensional perfect nanocrystal of indium antimonide, stable oscillations occur according to the Bloch model, which manifest themselves and are measured in the form of current oscillations in the current-voltage characteristic. During oscillations at the stages of deceleration of an electron by an electric field, electromagnetic radiation is generated with the frequency of charge oscillations. Microwave radiation occurs in the quantum oscillator model with a frequency depending on the electron energy, which, in turn, depends on the properties of the nanocrystal, in particular, on its shape and size: ν ~ Ẽkn/h ~ 5•1012 Hz, at an = 5 nm. In view of the resonant nature of the electron motion in a nanocrystal, the radiation is strictly parameterized and can only be detected by a receiver of the same nature and structure as the emitter, in this case, an indium antimonide nanocrystal. Registration occurs due to the heating effect of radiation energy on an electron injected into the nanocrystal, as a result of which the resonant peak in the current-voltage characteristic shifts towards higher voltage values. Such a recorder can be characterized as a photon bolometer. Experiments on obtaining and recording microwave radiation in this work were carried out according to the method of experiment with "entangled" photons – on two identical probe scanning microscopes with their separate and joint switching on and statistical processing of the current-voltage characteristics obtained in this case. For applications of microwave radiation in medicine, it is necessary to research and develop a nanocell chip with electronically controlled nanocrystals that can be delivered to any human organ.
Zhukov N.D. Oscillatory mechanism and photon bolometry of microwave radiation in indium antimonide nanocrystals for medical applications. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2023. V. 26. № 6. P. 92–102. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/ j15604136-202306-12
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