S.I. Zienko1, M.V. Belyakov2
1 Branch of the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher Education
"National Research University "MPEI" (Smolensk, Russia)
2 FSBI Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM (Moscow, Russia)
The covering tissue of plant seeds exhibits the property of a solid body. The purpose of the work is to identify and study the features of optically active luminescence luminescence centers in the integumentary tissue of plant seeds. The solution of the problem is of great practical and theoretical importance for the development of methods for diagnosing the germination of seeds, the degree of their ripeness, the effectiveness of scarification during pre-sowing treatment. The luminescent properties of the covering tissue of seeds can be a marker of violation of the integrity of biomembranes as a result of phospholipid peroxidation with subsequent leakage of electrolytes from the surface tissue of seeds. Luminescent methods are used in biophysics, for example, research in the development and use of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and related methods can be used to monitor the kinetics of a reaction based on fluctuations in thermodynamic equilibrium. Luminescent diagnostics is also used to track ribonucleic acid molecules, analyze the structure and dynamics of lipase, study proteins with internal disorder, and changes in the cell membrane. The luminescent characteristics were measured using a Fluorat-02-Panorama spectrofluorimeter. Air-dry seeds of barley, rye, spring wheat, corn, beans and Eastern goat were selected of approximately the same size without visible damage and extraneous stains. Wheat has the simplest structure of the impulse response. The internal quantum yield of the luminescence of the integumentary tissue of plant seeds exceeds one in magnitude (from ~ 1.7 to ~ 4.0), which is associated with the formation of a two-level quantum system with an inverse population. First, the upper energy level is formed, and then, with a delay (~ 1 µs), determined by the time of dielectric relaxation of the tissue, the lower energy level corresponding to the equilibrium thermodynamic state. This phenomenon strongly depends on the surface temperature, which can be explained by structural changes in the surface material. To explain the conditions for the occurrence of a dynamic volumetric negative charge in the integumentary tissue of the seed, the properties of its impulse response in the frequency domain are considered. The luminescence energy losses associated with the electron-phonon interaction are manifested mainly in the low-frequency region. Wheat, barley and corn have equal relaxation frequency values (0.42 MHz). At this frequency, there is a significant increase in luminescence light. It is shown that the covering tissue of plant seeds has the property of ferroelectric, which gives it high adhesive properties. Similar properties of the surface are also indicated by the low relaxation frequency.
Zienko S.I., Belyakov M.V. Features luminescence surface tissue of biological plant origin objects. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 6. Р. 84-94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202206-10 (In Russian)
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