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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Implementation of a mathematical model of the aortic bulb in the LabVIEW environment
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202206-04
UDC: 616.1:001.891.573

L.V. Sazykina1, S.N. Makoveev2, V.A. Lischuk3, S.V. Frolov4, I. Kofranek5, D.Sh. Gazizova6, G.V. Shevchenko7

1,6 Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardio-Vascular Surgery
of the Russian Ministry of Health (Moscow, Russia)

2 Tambov Regional State Budgetary Institution “Computer center” (Tambov, Russia)

3 Medical and Technical Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

4 Tambov State Technical University (Tambov, Russia)

5 Charles University, Institute of Pathophysiology (Prague, Czech Republic)

7 JSC “Open Technologies” (Moscow, Russia)


The relevance of constructing a mathematical model of the aorta is associated with the need to study and understand numerous disorders: from aortic valve malfunction to pathological changes in the vascular wall, as well as in connection with the choice of treatment tactics during cardiovascular operations. To date, numerous models of the left and right ventricles of the heart, individual vascular compartments and the vascular network as a whole have been created and studied. It is necessary to develop an initial module of the vascular arterial bed, including the aortic valve and the aortic bulb to study their behavior in normal and pathological conditions.

The purpose of the work – to develop a mathematical model of the aortic bulb (a module in the LabVIEW environment) to study its behavior in aortic valve defects and damage to the vascular branching of the aortic arch (aneurysms, cardiac surgery, etc.), as well as to include the module in an integral model of the cardiovascular system, which is the basis of a system for providing a doctor's decisions during cardiac surgery.

A mathematical description is made and the results of a simulation study in the LabVIEW environment of a model of the aortic bulb and aortic valve are presented. The functions of blood flow: volume, pressure and flow, uniquely in accordance with physiological laws, are set through the properties of vascular reservoirs: stiffness, tone, resistance and inertia. The model is constructed in terms that allow the description of the aortic bulb to be included in the branched multilevel vascular system, as well as the general model of the cardiovascular system.

The mathematical model of the aortic bulb module will allow us to investigate the effect of changes in the behavior of the output part of the left ventricle, including pathological ones, on blood flow in the vascular bed and vice versa, the effect of damage in the vascular bed of the aortic bulb on the behavior of the aortic valve and the heart as a whole.

Pages: 31-45
For citation

Sazykina L.V., Makoveev S.N., Lischuk V.A., Frolov S.V., Kofranek I., Gazizova D.Sh., Shevchenko G.V. Implementation of a mathematical model of the aortic bulb in the LabVIEW environment. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 6. Р. 31-45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202206-04 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 07.06.2022
Approved after review: 02.08.2022
Accepted for publication: 28.11.2022