A.A. Anisochkin1, A.V. Baldin2, D.M. Zhuk3, A.V. Koptelov4, K.V. Kucherov5, M.V. Malichevsky6, D.S. Markov7, A.Y. Spasenov8
1 Government healthcare institution "Shchekinskaya District Hospital" (Shchekino, Tula region, Russia)
2,3,5,8 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
4,7 State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow State Clinical Hospital № 67
named after L.A. Vorokhobov of the Moscow Department of Health (Moscow, Russia)
6 Ministry of Health of the Tula region (Tula, Russia)
The work of the hierarchical multilevel network of functional systems existing in the human body, controlled by the central functional system (CFS) and designed to ensure the normal functioning, functional state and health of the human body, is considered. The rehabilitation process is implemented through the formation of a complex multi-level and multi-channel targeted impact on human organs and systems with impaired normal functioning. The functional control systems of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system are of the greatest interest.
Assessment of the possibilities of obtaining diagnostic information about the state of the organs and systems of the body, the symptoms manifested and related internal diseases.
Electrical biosignals associated with the work of the cardiovascular system, the possibility of measuring and evaluating the variability of the shape and a number of parameters of various cardiograms to obtain information about the target organs, activity and intensity of exposure to these organs in the process of their rehabilitation are considered
The DDK system has been developed, which is undergoing trial operation.
The practical significance of the possibility of operational non-invasive assessment of the functional state and health of the patient.
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