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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Approximation model for measuring the end diastolic volume of an artificial heart ventricle
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202205-04
UDC: 602.1

A.V. Shcherbachev1, I.A. Kudashov2, G.P. Itkin3, E.A. Bychkov4, A.N. Govorin5

1,2,4,5 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

3 FSBI “National Medical Research Center for Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after academician V.I. Shumakov Ministry of Health of Russia (Moscow, Russia)


In Russia since the beginning of the 21st century the total number of patients with CHF has doubled (from 7 to 15.0 mln), at the same time the number of patients with terminal CHF has increased 3.4 times (from 1.75 to 6.0 mln). Due to the existing shortage of donor organs, the development of mechanical circulatory support devices (MSC) is an urgent direction in modern biomedical engineering. These devices represent a "bridge to transplantation" capable of supporting the patient until a donor heart is obtained.

Objective – development and verification of an approximation model for the measurement of end-diastolic volume of an AHV by electroimpedance.

The model developed in this work is intended for automated testing of new MSC devices. Due to continuous determination of hydrodynamic parameters of the system and adaptive control it will be possible to simulate the work of the heart under normal conditions and in the presence of any pathologies. The use of this simulator in the process of training will make it possible to obtain more complete information about the work of human cardiovascular system, to trace the influence of pathologies and the effect of medical countermeasures on the hydrodynamic function of the heart.

The experimental results obtained in the article are of great practical importance for the creation of a biotechnical system for studying the efficiency of artificial circulatory devices.

Pages: 32-38
For citation

Shcherbachev A.V., Kudashov I.A., Itkin G.P., Bychkov E.A., Govorin A.N. Approximation model for measuring the end diastolic volume of an artificial heart ventricle. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 5. Р. 32-38. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/ j15604136-202205-04 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 22.06.2022
Approved after review: 24.06.2022
Accepted for publication: 28.09.2022