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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2022 г.
Article in number:
Methods for determining dynamic characteristics when testing diagnostic channels in complex magnetotherapy
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202204-02
UDC: 621.317.1: 621.3.087.92

A.M. Abramov1

1 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia)


This article considers two methods for determining the dynamic characteristics of Multimag-M complex diagnostic channels, it is based on the ADC, where test results can be used to judge the magnitude of electromagnetic interference.

The first method is to compare registered signal of known form at the output of the ADC tested with the model of this form, formed by computer. The best similarity of signals is achieved by applying the least squares method, iterative procedures with independent selection of the values of the parameters of the amplitude, offset, period and phase of the model, and searching for the minimum value. The algebraic difference between the registered signal and the test signal model will characterize the instantaneous values of the test signal shape registration error.

The second method determines the effective number of bits from experimental data through the error that occurs at each point of the dynamic range of the ADC, depending on the specified rate of change of the test signal or its frequency. In this case, the ADC must be put into a mode in which the dynamic conversion errors are predominant compared to the static ones. In this regard, it is necessary to use a test signal with a high slew rate, which is typical for ADCs when registering single fast processes.

To experimentally determine the ADC error in the dynamic measurement mode, it is necessary to know the exact instantaneous values of the test signal. This can be achieved by using fast, reference comparators coupled with a slow reference DAC.

Thus, with the help of these approaches, the problem of determining the level of electromagnetic interference in the technical means of monitoring the physiological parameters of the Multimag-M complex can be solved.

Pages: 16-23
For citation

Abramov A.M. Methods for determining dynamic characteristics when testing diagnostic channels in complex magnetotherapy. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 4. Р. 16-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202204-02 (In Russian)

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Date of receipt: 24.05.2022
Approved after review: 11.07.2022
Accepted for publication: 22.07.2022