I.N. Goncharov1, L.H. Pastushkova2, M.I. Koloteva3, A.G. Goncharova4,
D.N. Kashirina5, T.M. Glebova6, K.S. Kireev7, I.M. Larina8
1–6,8 State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation – Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
7 Gagarin Research and Testing Cosmonaut Training Center (Moscow Region, Zvezdny Gorodok, Russia)
Local petechial hemorrhages of soft tissues were noted in some astronauts after landing on the first day.
The aim of the work is to formulate recommendations for additional examination based on the analysis of the proteomic response of the human body in secondary hemorrhagic purpura observed in some astronauts after landing.
Blood samples of 13 Russian cosmonauts (average ± SD age: 44±6 years, all men) were analyzed by proteomic and bioniformational methods, in which local petechial hemorrhages in the soft tissues of the back and lower legs were noted after landing. A group of proteins that significantly differ (p-value <0.05) on the first day after CP compared with individual preflight data regulating signaling pathways and processes of endothelial damage, vascular injury, activation of coagulation, proinflammatory, etc. cascades, and the opposite ones that protect against reperfusion injury and apoptosis. Activation of the processes of "protection from injury and reperfusion injury" assumes minimal risks of developing long-term complications. Taking into account the conjugacy of external and internal hemorrhages, a number of examinations of parenchymal organs are recommended to clarify the volume of structural changes.
Secondary hemorrhagic purpura after landing is a multifactorial condition. Providing up-to-date information on the state of proteomic pathology involved in the processes of "damage" and "protection from damage" can increase the effectiveness of clinical and functional examination in the early postpartum period in individuals with local petechial hemorrhages of soft tissues.
Goncharov I.N., Pastushkova L.H., Koloteva M.I., Goncharova A.G., Kashirina D.N., Glebova T.M., Kireev K.S., Larina I.M. Proteomic studies of the state of the body in secondary hemorrhagic purpura after long-term space flights. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2022. V. 25. № 2–3. Р. 5-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202202-01 (In Russian)
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