Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №4 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Development and approbate of a measuring device for diagnosing the patient's condition during a magnetotherapy session
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202104-09
UDC: 621.317.7

A.A. Zhilnikov1, T.A. Zhilnikov2, V.I. Zhulev3

1,2 Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (Ryazan, Russia)

3 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n. a. akad. V.F. Utkin (Ryazan, Russia)


A detailed study of the effect of a low-frequency magnetic field on the human body in order to develop scientifically based methods for diagnosing the condition and treating vital generating systems of patients is impossible without reliable information about the body's response to magnetotherapy. The presence of powerful electromagnetic interference caused by the operation of pulsed magnetotherapy complexes of general impact, and completely overlapping the frequency range of generated electrical cardio-, encephalo signals, etc., leads to the impossibility of obtaining reliable information about the state of the patient's systems during a magnetotherapy session using traditional methods of measuring electrical signals. Therefore, the problem of expediency of using such electrically passive human biological indicators during the session as a source of diagnostic information, the amplitude-frequency characteristics of which minimally overlaps with the frequency range of the interference induced by the field, as a source of diagnostic information, requires a solution. One of these indicators, poorly studied in the case of electromagnetic impact on the patient, is the reaction of biologically active points.

Purposedevelopment and testing of a measuring device aimed at diagnosing changes in the patient's condition and functioning under conditions of low-frequency magnetotherapy impact.

The resistance (conductivity) of biologically active points as an informative indicator of changes in the state of the body's systems has been researched. A measuring device, thanks to which the experiment was carried out, which made it possible to compose the electrical model of the point has been proposed. Transient processes have been theoretically described for the equivalent diagram of the model. It was experimentally confirmed that the transient processes of the proposed model coincide with the real readings of a digital oscilloscope. The active experiment aimed at finding the equivalent of the effect of the running magnetic field created by the magnetotherapy complex during the session, physical exertion and breath holding has been conducted.

The information obtained will make it possible in the perspective to differentiate the full signal from the BAT into two components: the interference and the useful signal, expanding the understanding of the processes at the points during the magnetotherapy session.

Pages: 68-75
For citation

Zhilnikov A.A., Zhilnikov T.A., Zhulev V.I. Development and approbate of a measuring device for diagnosing the patient's condition during a magnetotherapy session. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2021. V. 24. № 4. P. 68–75. DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202104-09 (in Russian)

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Date of receipt: 22.04.2021
Approved after review: 22.05.2021
Accepted for publication: 23.06.2021