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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Development and study of a method for automated recognition of Parkinson's disease based on a combination of features of motor activity of the hands, mimic activity and facial expressiveness
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j15604136-202102-04
UDC: 004.891.2

A.A. Moshkova1, A.V. Samorodov2, N.A. Voinova3, A.K. Volkov4, M.V. Ershova5, E.O. Ivanova6, E.Y. Fedotova7

1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
3,4 Scientific and Educational Medical-Technological Center of Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)
5–7 Research Center of Neurology, 5th neurological department (Moscow, Russia)


Currently, researchers have noted an increase in the life expectancy of the population around the world, which will undoubtedly cause an increase in the incidence of Parkinson's disease (PD) in the next decade. The currently used methods of visual assessment of the severity of the disease based on rating scales, as many studies show, are not objective and unsuitable for screening. It is known that PD patients do not consult a neurologist in a timely manner, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy. The relevance of creating an automated PD recognition system, first of all, during screening, is confirmed by the need to objectify the assessment, as well as the possibility of its widespread use, including home use. Thus, this work is devoted to the development and study of a method for automated recognition of Parkinson's disease based on binary classification. To solve the problem of binary classification, features of hypokinesia are used, which is the most important symptom for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. The calculation of the features of hypokinesia is carried out on the basis of 3 motor tasks including the task of motor activity of the hands assessment and two tasks for the assessment of hypomimia: mimic activity and facial expressiveness assessment. The motor activity of the hands is assessed by 11 kinematic parameters when performing the following motor exercises: fingers tapping, opening / closing the palm, pronation / supination of the hand. Mimic activity is assessed by 11 kinematic parameters when performing the following motor exercises: eyes closing, eyebrows raising, smiling with effort, frowning. Facial expressiveness is characterized by the degree of expressiveness, calculated as the degree of difference between the emotional expression, formed both when imitating the emotional expression depicted on the photograph shown to the subject, and when freely expressing the named emotion, from the neutral facial expression of the subject. In previous studies 35 features, including the features of all motor exercises for assessing the motor activity of the hands, features of mimic activity when performing the exercises "frown" and "smile with effort", features of facial expressiveness when imitating the emotional expressions depicted in the photographs, were recognized as informative. In this work, as a result of correlation analysis, the feature space was reduced to 19 features. The calculation of the accuracy of the binary classification was carried out on the subsets of features of motor activity of the hands, hypomimia and the whole set of 19 features. When using all 19 features, including features of all 3 motor tasks, the highest classification result was obtained – 93.8 %. After additional feature selection using an ensemble of classifiers based on decision trees, the classification accuracy reached 96.9 % using naive Bayesian classifierand 8 features of all 3 motor tasks. The achieved values of the classification accuracy for the separately selected subsets of features of motor activity of the hands and hypomimia are also high: 90.6 % and 93.8 %, respectively. The best feature set consisted of 8 features, still including features of all 3 motor tasks, which indicates the importance of joint assessment of hypokinesia in both considered localizations. A set of 8 features includes speed of opening / closing the palm, speed of pronating / supination of the hand, number of movements of opening / closing the palm, speed of the fingers tapping, the duration of the ‘frown’ exercise, the duration of the ‘smile with effort’ exercise, variations in the amplitude of movements during the ‘frown’ exercise, the degree of expression of imitating the emotion of surprise. The results obtained, in general, are consistent with the results published in other works, devoted to the recognition of PD using various sets of hypokinesia features. Taking into account the availability of the selected localizations (face and hands) for registration, the results obtained in this study show the suitability of the developed method of automated PD recognition for screening this disease.

Pages: 30-38
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Date of receipt: 12.03.2021
Approved after review: 23.03.2021
Accepted for publication: 26.03.2021