D.V. Guryev¹, N.M. Smetanina², S.M. Rodneva³, A.A. Tsishnatti4, D.V. Molodtsova5, Yu.A. Fedotov6, A.S. Dmitriev7, A.A. Artamonov8
1,2,3,4,5,6 Russian State Research Center Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency (Moscow, Russia)
7 Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named V. А. Kotelnikov RAS (Moscow, Russia)
8 The Russian Federation State Research Center – Institute of Biomedical Problems of RAS (Moscow, Russia)
The development of modern electronics, communications, high-tech production and other technologies lead to a significant increase in the intensity of microwave electromagnetic radiation. This article discusses the problem of registration (including biological detection) and protection from microwave electromagnetic radiation.
To consider the method of integral biological and instrumental recording of the intensity of microwave electromagnetic radiation and to evaluate the method of protection using a passive multifrequency re-emitter generator with a radio holographic antenna (trade mark EQVILUM).
A series of experiments were carried out to determine the number of double-strand breaks in DNA (DS DNA) by the foci of γH2AX repair proteins, to assess proliferative activity and clonogenic ability after 3 hours of exposure to microwave electromagnetic radiation with a frequency radiation of 1200 MHz both with shielding and without it on a culture of human lung fibroblasts (MRC5 line). It is shown that no changes in the level of DS DNA were revealed in experimental cells, however, a decrease in the clonogenic ability of irradiated cells without shielding was observed against the background of their high proliferative activity. The mechanisms of the observed cellular effects formation are unclear and we suppose that they can be associated with both a change in the metabolism of irradiated cells and with the triggering of certain intracellular mechanisms initiated by electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
This study made it possible to identify effective ways of integral assessment of the biological effects of microwave electromagnetic radiation as well as ways of protection against it. A film microcircuit – an autonomous module of a passive multi-frequency re-emitter generator with a radio holographic antenna (EQVILUM trademark) has shown its high efficiency in protection against man-made microwave electromagnetic radiation and can be recommended as an additional means of effective protection.
Guryev D.V., Smetanina N.M., Rodneva S.M., Tsishnatti A.A., Molodtsova D.V., Fedotov Yu.A., Dmitriev A.S., Artamonov A.A.
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