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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
Recognition of true and false states of the brain by means of the electroencephalogram wavelet analysis
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202101-01
UDC: 612.821.1

E.A. Yumatov¹, N.A. Karatygin², E.N. Dudnik³, A.E. Khramov4, V.V. Grubov5, S.S. Pertsov6

1,2,6 P.K. Anokhin Research Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow, Russia) 

4,5 Innopolis University (Innopolis, Russia) 

6 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow, Russia)


It is a well-known fact that mental activity of the brain can be presented by two different states, i.e., the true state and the false state. A promising method of the electroencephalogram (EEG) wavelet transform has been developed over recent years. Using this method, we evaluated the principle possibility for direct objective registration of mental activity in the human brain.

Previously we developed and described (published) a new experimental model and software for recognizing the true and false mental responses of a person with the EEG wavelet transform.

The developed experimental model and software-and-data support allowed us to compare (by EEG parameters) two mental states of brain activity, one of which is the false state, while another is the true state.

The goal of this study is to develop an absolutely new information technology for recognizing the true and false states in mental activity of the brain by means of the EEG wavelet transform.

Our study showed that the true and false states of the brain can be distinguished using the method of continuous wavelet transform and calculation of the EEG wavelet energy. It was revealed that the main differences between truthful and false mental responses are observed in the delta and alpha ranges of the EEG. In the EEG delta rhythm, the wavelet energy is much higher under conditions of the false response as compared to that in the true response. In the EEG alpha rhythm, the wavelet energy is significantly higher with the true answer than in the false one.

These data open a new principal possibility of revealing the true and false mental state of the brain by means of continuous wavelet transform and calculation of the EEG wavelet energy.

Pages: 5-12
For citation

Yumatov E.A., Karatygin N.A., Dudnik E.N., Khramov A.E., Grubov V.V., Pertsov S.S. Recognition of true and false states of the brain by means of the electroencephalogram wavelet analysis. Biomedicine Radioengineering. 2021. V. 24. № 1. P. 5–12. DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202101-01 (In R

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Date of receipt: 16.11.2020
Approved after review: 19.11.2020
Accepted for publication: 16.12.2020