A.N. Pavlov – Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Professor,
Department of Medical equipment, Russian Medical Academy for Past – Graduate Education (Moscow)
E-mail: pan1943@mail.ru
The main place in the process of life of biological objects, when exposed to various, is the change in their state over time. However, the understanding of the essence of time, and the direct participation of time in the processes of life is not well understood, which makes it difficult to objectively consider any biological processes. The functioning of almost all components of the human body (blood, tissues and organs) and the aging mechanism is determined by the state of the water component. The main difficulty in studying structural molecular rearrangements in water- containing media is their instability over time. The search for mechanisms for changing the properties of water environments under external influences is the most important task of scientific research. Obtaining information about various states of structural molecular structures (clusters) in the aquatic environment will significantly expand the possibilities of diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.
Aim of the work – to study the electromagnetic response of clusters in water of various nature in the spectral range of 100…400 MHz.
The electromagnetic response of cluster structures in distilled water, purified tap water and baptismal water in the frequency range of 100…400 MHz is studied. The measurements were performed using two different independent spectrometric methods. The first method is measuring of spectrums of electromagnetic transmission (SET) by the analyzer of spectrum on
X1 – 55. In this case dignity of measuring SET in this case is registration on the screen of oscillograph of analyzer of spectrum of
SET in the set frequency range. An electromagnetic scan is out allows to fix the size of the last signal on any frequency in the set spectrum. The second method is measuring SET by a method « generator – millivoltmeter» allows to measure amplitude of electromagnetic response on principle of negative feedback. Advantage of this method is direct registration of electromagnetic response in millivolts and absence of preliminary calibration of used apparatus. The results obtained for each type of water are analyzed. A universal energy scheme of the clusters electromagnetic response to external electromagnetic influence is proposed. Following two, it is possible to suppose the fractious model of the glimmered clusters, that at approaching the process of excitation of complexes of water, possessing weak enegry of connection begins to resonance frequency of external electromagnetic radiation (dimers, trimery, admixture centers et cetera). At resonance, these excited centers begin to emit electromagnetic energy, stimulated by a external an electromagnetic radiation. The avalanche type process of excitation of dipole of water begins on this frequency. The results obtained show the presence of peaks of electromagnetic transmission (SET) in each type of water at the frequencies of 170 and 270 MHz, indicating stable structural formations of H2O molecules.
The results of the work can be used in the analysis of changes in the state of water-containing biological objects over time, with various external energy effects. External electromagnetic influence on the resonance frequencies of the water environment changes the course of biological processes, what gives a base for correcting the methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of water-containing environments of the human body.
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