350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
The work of the measurement diagnostic electronics in the environment of the radio-therapy
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202003-14
UDC: 621.38.

D.D. Mantserov – Post-graduate Student, Department “Information-Measuring and Biomedical Techniques”,  Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin

E-mail: danax2014@yandex.ru


Statement of the problem. Presently in the area of radio-therapy to use large amount measurement diagnostic electronics and another kind of equipment’s. Based on the foregoing to appear the necessity to imagine the processes and the possible effects in the time of the work of the measurement diagnostic electronics in the environment of the radio-therapy

Aim of the work – the consideration of possible aftermath that to appear from the influence of high energy radiation on electronic equipment that used how the measurement diagnostic electronics. To give the assessment to the sustainability of this electronics to the influence of high energy radiation. To consider the separate functional capabilities of the control electronics for an application in the environment of the radio-therapy and the provided influence on electronics of sensor, improvement electronics and transformative electronics. 

Results. As a result of the work, two experiments were performed. The first experiment allowed to obtain data of the influence the instantaneous effects of high-energy radiation on an electronic sensor, on an amplifier, and control and converted electronics. The result of the first experiment showed the instantaneous effects on the operation of this information-diagnostic electronics do not exist in the environment of the radio-therapy. The second experiment was aimed at studying and evaluating the long-term effects on electronics, which controls the operation of information-diagnostic electronics, and it is also responsible for signal processing. During the experiment, values such as critical time, critical absorbed dose, and critical energy were calculated and measured. The effective atomic number has been calculated for a various type of control integrated circuit. There is from the experiment, it follows that is the dependence of the failure of the integrated circuit on the absorbed dose.

Practical significance. The data obtained during the study can be used in the calculations for creature of the various electronic devices, as well as devices that can be significantly affected by hard photon or electronic radiation.

Pages: 111-142
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Date of receipt: 26 мая 2020 г.