A.A. Mikheev – Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department “Automated Control Systems”, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin
E-mail: maa0312@yandex.ru
T.A. Vityazeva – Post-graduate Student, Department “Information-Measuring and Biomedical Engineering”; Senior Lecturer, Department “Automated Control Systems”,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin
E-mail: vsv630@yandex.ru
Statement of the problem. In order to analyze the functional state of the human body, the combined processing of cardiogram and pneumogram signals is used and their relationship is analyzed. The quality of this analysis strongly depends on the synchronicity of these processes. This synchronicity is naturally present in the human body, but it is lost when signals are registered using traditional methods. There is a problem of developing methods and means for registering cardiorhythmogram and pneumogram signals while maintaining their synchronicity.
Aim of the work – the purpose of this article is to develop a device for synchronous registration of pneumogram and cardiorhythmogram signals.
Results. A block diagram of the pneumogram and cardiorhythmogram signal registration device, which ensures the synchronicity of these processes and improves the quality of treatment, has been developed. The device is based on a block of the pneumogram signal sampling, controlled by signals of heart rate cycles. At the moment of time corresponding to the back front of the signal of the beginning of the next cardiocycle, the sample of the pneumogram signal is taken and its value is stored for the duration of current heart rate cycle. At the end of measuring the duration of the current cycle corresponding to the rising edge of the signal of the beginning of the next cycle, the simultaneous formation of a pair of cardiorhythmography and pneumogram samples takes place. Thus, the device outputs synchronized sequences of cardiorhythmogram and pneumogram sequences. To verify the proposed solution, the processing of signals obtained using the prototype apparatus IIR-1 (“Self diagnostic system”), created in the scientific-technical center Elatomskiy instrument plant was carried out. To identify the advantages of the procedure for registering pneumogram and cardiorhythmogram signals, proposed in order to preserve the existing synchronicity of these processes in the body, the proposed procedure was compared with the procedure for registering pneumogram samples at the time of taking these samples. As a criterion for synchronicity of the registered pneumogram and cardiorhythmogram, the coefficient characterizing the strength of the connection between these processes – the Fechner index-was used. Experiments have shown that the proposed solution allows to increase the synchronicity of the analyzed processes more than twice, bringing it closer to the natural synchronicity in the human body.
Practical significance. The proposed device for synchronous registration of cardiorhythmogram and pneumogram signals can significantly increase the reliability of the results of the analysis of adaptive capabilities of the body and the diagnostic conclusions based on them.
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