S.Yu. Zhuleva – Lecturer, Department «Computational and Applied Mathematics»,
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin
E-mail: zhuleva.svetlana@bk.ru
A.V. Kroshilin – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department «Computational and Applied Mathematics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin
E-mail: alfzdrprog@mail.ryazan.ru
S.V. Kroshilina – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department «Computational and Applied Mathematics», Ryazan State Radio Engineering University n.a. acad. V.F. Utkin
E-mail: asak_kasa@mail.ru
Statement of the problem. The process of managing a medical institution as a whole can be divided into two interrelated areas: working with patients and administrative activities, including the management of medical materials. Medical material flows not only influence the organization of efficiency of medical and technological processes, but also have different meaning.
Aim of the work – A dynamic model should be developed and justified to take into account changes in time in the presentation of the medical subject area (PrO) (in the distribution of material flows in medical institutions). The application of cognitive models increases the quality of the validity of medical management decisions in a rapidly changing and complex environment, helping the expert to avoid “intuitive wandering”, while saving time to justify and understand events taking place in the system.
Results. To form a model of medical subject area on the basis of a fuzzy cognitive map (FCM), accounting for accumulation of links between concepts and accounting for dynamics of distribution of material flows in medical institutions is implemented. It is proposed to use a dynamics model similar to the F. Roberts dynamics model, at the same time the fuzzy system with several inputs is replaced with several fuzzy systems with one input. A fuzzy three-input medical system has been proposed to be converted to a serial connection of two fuzzy two-input medical systems and the principle of forming a set of fuzzy logical rules for both fuzzy systems has been defined. The first fuzzy medical system is displayed by a fuzzy operator and characterizes the degree of interaction of concepts by their basic states. The second is the effect of the increment of the input concept on the output concept.
Practical significance. The use of a sequential two-stage fuzzy production system in medical subject area gives an advantage over a single-stage with three inputs; Because the number of terms is small, the number of rules for determining the fuzzy mapping operator is reduced. With the proposed approach to the formation of the dynamics model for the FCM, the process of construction is considerably simplified and it is possible to greatly reduce the dimension of the medical subject area model.
- Zhuleva S.Yu., Kroshilin A.V., Kroshilina S.V. Podderzhka prinyatiya reshenij v zadachah raspredeleniya nagruzki medicinskih rabotnikov na osnove metodov iskusstvennogo intellekta. Biomedicinskaya radioelektronika. 2018. № 8. S. 54–59. DOI 10/18127/j5604136-201808-09 (In Russian).
- Kroshilina S.V., Tishkina V.V., Kroshilin A.V., Pylkin A.N. Enterprise Management Mobile Assistant based on Using the Theory of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets. 2019 1st International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modelling, Automation and Energy Efficiency (SUMMA). P. 247–249.
- Zhuleva S.Yu., Kroshilin A.V., Kroshilina S.V. Primenenie nechetkih kognitivnyh kart pri upravlenii medicinskimi material'nymi potokami. Biomedicinskaya radioelektronika. 2019. T. 22. № 4. S. 77–84. DOI 10.18127/j15604136-201904-11 (In Russian).
- Kroshilin A.V., Kroshilina S.V., Tishkina V.V., Pylkin A.N. The Software of a Mobile Application for Analyzing a Management Object based on Using Semantic Networks. 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). June 10–14th. 2019. Budva, Montenegro. 860 p. P. 266–269.
- Mamdani E.H. Application of fuzzy logic to approximate reasoning using linguistic systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 977. V. 26. P. 1182–1191.
- Doan D.H., Kroshilin A.V., Kroshilina S.V. Primenenie metoda nechetkoj klasterizacii v sistemah podderzhki prinyatiya medicinskih reshenij dlya resheniya zadachi vybora varianta lecheniya zabolevaniya. Izv. Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser.: Upravlenie, vychislitel'naya tekhnika, informatika. Medicinskoe priborostroenie. 2018. T. 8. №1(26). S. 63–73 (In Russian).