350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №2 for 2020 г.
Article in number:
Development of a nervous impulse velocity measuring apparatus for efficiency evaluation hemodialysis
DOI: 10.18127/j15604136-202002-09
UDC: 616-71

M.M. Khanukaev – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Department “Instrument Engineering and Biomedical Engineering”, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)

E-mail: puristeril@gmail.com

S.A. Kulaga – Student, 

Department “Instrument Engineering and Biomedical Engineering”, Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don)

E-mail: sofya.kulaga@yandex.ru


Statement of the problem. The hemodialysis procedure, the quality and effectiveness of which depends on the frequency and duration of the procedures, is used as the main method of extrarenal blood purification in chronic renal failure. In this regard, the immediate task of the attending physician is to select the most optimal regimen for the hemodialysis procedure. Thus, the problem raised in this article is the selection of the most effective frequency and duration of the procedure.

Aim of the work – the main reason for the development of chronic renal failure in the body is the accumulation of toxic metabolic products (ammonia, cyanate, creatinine, aliphatic and aromatic amines, polyamines, indole, phenols, mannitol, acetone, etc.) due to azotemia in violation of protein metabolism. The accumulation of these substances in the body leads to inhibition of the nervous system, axon damage and, consequently, to the development of uremic neuropathy, as can be shown by a decrease in the speed of the nerve impulse in the myelin nerve fibers. Аs a result, the aim of the study is to develop an apparatus for stimulating nerve fibers and measuring the speed of propagation of a nerve impulse based on the dependence of the speed of propagation of a nerve electric impulse on chronic renal failure.

Results. As a result of the study, all methods of stimulation of nerve fibers, such as mechanical and electrical stimulation, their advantages and disadvantages, based on the limited choice of electrode placement, ease of fixation and psychological location of the patient to these methods of stimulation, were considered, on the basis of which a mechanical method of stimulation of nerve fibers was chosen fibers as a fundamental principle of the developed device. The article describes the principles of operation of this device and presents the necessary images of both its appearance and methods of placement on the patient’s body, as well as the structural block diagram of the device followed by a description of each block. The developed device allows you to measure the speed of nerve conduction in the range from 9 to 70 m / s and to record electrical muscle activity with an amplitude of 10 μV to 1.5 mV using a single-channel recording of an electromyogram. The device operates in stimulation mode and nerve impulse registration mode. For operation of the device in the pulse registration mode of an electrostimulated nerve, standard silver-silver self-adhesive electrodes are used. The time of the stimulus and its intensity can vary and vary by the attending physician depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Using the developed device, real data were obtained on the speed of the nerve impulse of patients undergoing hemodialysis. For further processing of the obtained data, a program for a personal computer was developed. The article provides a detailed overview of working with this program, as a result of which the temporal parameters of the F-wave and, accordingly, the time of the patient's nerve impulse were determined, which made it possible to individually adjust the duration and frequency of the procedure for its highest quality implementation.

Practical significance. The main method of extrarenal blood purification in chronic renal failure is the hemodialysis procedure.

The effectiveness of this method depends on the correct frequency and duration of the procedure. Based on studies of the effect of accumulated substances due to illness on the functioning of the nervous system, a method for monitoring the effectiveness of this procedure, taking into account the rate of nerve impulse conduction, is optimal in clinical practice. In conclusion, the developed apparatus will allow you to choose an individual and optimal treatment regimen for patients with chronic renal failure.

Pages: 67-73
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Date of receipt: 6 февраля 2020 г.