E.A. Bychkov – Post-graduate Student, Department “Medical and Technical Information Technologiy” (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: ipbychkov.e.a@yandex.ru
I.A. Kudashov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department “Medical and Technical Information Technologiy” (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: KydashovV@mail.ru
S.I. Shchukin – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department “Medical and Technical Information Technologiy” (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
E-mail: schookin@mx.bmstu.ru
S.B. Simakin – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Head of Department, S.A. Vekshinsky Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Technology
E-mail: plasma@iontecs.ru
E.A. Mitrofanov –Ph.D. (Eng.), Head of Laboratory, S.A. Vekshinsky Scientific Research Institute of Vacuum Technology
Systematization of vascular damage arising from surgical interventions is practically impossible due to the large variety of such pathology. Such damage can occur even when performing normal operations but more often, they occur during extirpation of tumors and tissue secretion in areas of inflammation as well as during surgical interventions, carried out in richly vascularized areas of the body.
Both the artery and the vein can be injured and the amount of bleeding arising from this depends on the caliber of the injured vessel and the blood pressure.
Prevent accidental damage to the blood vessels during surgery can be provided:
- accurate knowledge of the anatomy of the area in which surgery occurs;
- sequential selection of anatomical structures;
- performing arteriography on the operating table, especially when the intervention is performed for angiomas, aneurysms, cer-tain tumors, etc.;
- vessels discharge before clamping and crossing.
The use of electrical impedance method for tracking the position of a scalpel in the process of movement is based on the analysis of theoretical and experimental studies of its suitability to determine the transition from one biological environment to another [2–5].
The aim of the work is to show the possibility of using electrical impedancemetry technology in military field surgery.
This paper describes the technology of using a surgical scalpel with a specially coated coating. The coating is supposed to be carried out by ion-plasma treatment of a scalpel in vacuum, together with the Research Institute of Vacuum Engineering named after S.A. Vekshinsky.
The use of ion-plasma processing methods in vacuum expands the possibilities of the developed electrical impedance devices due to a wide range of coatings with different values of electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, layer thickness and their combinations. Coating is an alternation of dielectric layers and conductor. Smart scalpel provides high sensitivity of electrical impedance when moving the blade along alternating layers of biotissue [6].
Sensitivity is the difference in the values of electrical impedance when moving from one biological tissue to another.
Experimental studies have shown the effectiveness of the proposed construction of a scalpel. Studies were conducted on muscle tissue of animal origin in vitro.
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